Tuesday, 19 April 2011



So I'm finally home for a solid amount of time (ie the forseeable future). And though it's nice to have the internet back and sleep in my own bed consecutively, weirdly I miss living like I did the last two and a half weeks, because although quite honestly all I did was go on a school trip and then a ski holiday with my middle-class parents, travelling so frequently and being able to both see lots of places frequently, and also appreciate how nice home can be is exactly how I want to live one day.

This was going to be a long post about all of the things I've done, but there's been revision and Doctor Who and writing and spa days and, y'know, really purposeful things like that. I know that it's been almost a month since I wrote something proper and I'm sorry. So from a sort-of attic in a strange house, I promise I'll go back to putting the time and effort in writing here that I used to.

Have a happy Easter, everyone:)

Lizzie xx