Sunday, 16 October 2011

Yoghurt and Tea

Three companies released major advertising campaigns in the UK this week.

You wouldn't think this would particularly have any effects on me, apart from seeing TV commcercials, but they have. More than TV ads have before I guess.

Six months ago, on my family skiing holiday I was sat with my parents and Sam eating pizza in a restaurant and my dad started talking about a new campaign and TV commercial that the yoghurt company he works for were releasing in October. I wasn't really interested until he said he'd had to sign a confidentiality agreement, which obviously made me want to know more.

My dad built this up over months, he kept telling me about billboards they'd bought and things but it turned out he hadn't and wouldn't see the advert until it's first airing during The X Factor last Saturday.

Poppy and Emily were round and we were eating Chinese food in the kitchen when my dad started squealing from the living room like a little girl. My mum was there too and we all gathered round the TV to watch this advert, which my dad's whole office had been excited for for months:-

There was a silence for a few seconds. A sort of "... Oh." Then we all sarcastically jumped up and down and hugged and then my friends and I left and finished our take-out food and my parents went back to to the movie they were watching.

Haha, read the Youtube comments.

I've seen it a few times since and I guess it's okay. I think they were aiming for one of those Cadbury gorilla style ads that's catchy but unrelated and it works. Maybe you could spin off from it. I understand about recognition and things. It's definitely creative, it just... doesn't make me want yoghurt.

Then, one day this week, my dad came home from work, mostly laughing about it, and said that everyone in his office was annoyed because another yoghurt company released a major TV advert that week. It includes a boy band of farmers and the song is avaliable on iTunes.

I don't really have much of an opinion about this. It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be.

I'm ridiculously passionate about it and the third TV commercial that was important for me this week was for tea, though it barely references tea at all. I'm reluctant to even call it an advert it's so beautiful, a film made up of crayon drawings. Poppy was singing the song from it all of Thursday (Charlene Soraia's cover of "Wherever You Will Go") and it's lovely.

It's so pretty and clean and every time I see it it affects me. I don't know if it makes me want Twinings or not. But the way it makes me feel is extraordinary, for a tea advert.

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