Saturday, 10 December 2011

Mostly Sleep-Talk

I'm feeling lazy but I didn't write a blog last Wednesday... or pretty much throughout November, but I feel like I owe my neglected blog an update so you get a list. I like lists.

- I am in bed and it is 1am.

- I read a book called Wintergirls, by Laurie Halse Anderson. It's affected me in such a way that I don't know if I want to talk about it at all, but it's the first book that's made me cry. That sounds really dramatic, but the night I finished it I lay in bed and wept, not knowing exactly why.

- I babysat tonight. fun fun fun.

- Exams this week and next. bleh. But I booked concert tickets so things are good.

- Poppy and I are playing a show next weekend. That is exciting.

- Lolita is a weird book but so far good.

- Thank you for all your responses on Twitter and Tumblr and things re the Caggie interview. I still feel really weird about it.

- Coming soon: proper post of relevancy and conclusion.

I like you sufficiently.

Lizzie xxx

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