It is a Wednesday. I have wine. And the BRIT awards are on tonight!
Pop music and the way the media represents it are things that are both interesting and completely hilarious to me. As I am sat home doing nothing and will be "liveblogging" the BRIT awards as it happens on our TV. If for whatever reason that is something you'd enjoy, join me here at 8 when all of the action kicks off and we can discuss everything as it happens, make sarcastic jokes about Coldplay and cry at Adele together.
I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work from a technical perspective but we'll work it out!
Fancy red carpet coverage starts at 7pm on ITV2 I believe, then the show itself will be on ITV at eight o clock. See you all then!
I'm kidding, don't do that.
Throughout the night, there willl be typos, there will be mistakes, and feel free to join in and comment @lizzie_hudson!
8pm - Muse open with "Supremacy", first track on their newest album "The 2nd Law". This is beautiful, explosive and fantastic and loud, an orchestra of around two hundred I believe, visually beautiful and fairytale Gothic as it is audibly. Tonight, they're nominated for Best British Group and Best British Live Act.
8:08 - James Cordon has made his necessary interrupting-Adele joke.
8:09 - Mumford and Sons. It's unfair to make unbiased comments because I've followed this band for two years and just love them incredibly. They're nominated for best British Band, Best British Live Act and Best Album this year and they just deserve them so so so much.
08:11 - Best British Female. My guess for this was Emili Sande but I'm really routing for Bat For Lashes, "The Haunted Man" is just a wonderful album. - Emili Sande! I'm happy about this, she was a massive part of the UK music scene in 2012 and has released some great singles. As long as we don't have to listen to another acoustic version of "Read All About It" with just a piano.
08:20 Robbie Williams performs "Candy". This song is kind of my guilty pleasure, it's just ridiculous and catchy and unashamed pop music, even if the screen is actively giving me a headache. He's nominated for Best Single later on.
Cordon interrupting Adele jokes count - II
08:24 Best British Group. As I said before, hoping for Mumford and Sons but I adore Alt-J, who recently won a Mercury, and The XX and Muse are great. Mumford and Sons! No words, they rock. 10 points for Marcus for pretending to be starstruck by One Direction.
08:28 Best British Breakthrough Act. I voted for Ben Howard to win this, but I think it might be Jake Bugg or Rita Ora? We shall see. I don't know how I feel about Jessie Ware, and wasn't really aware of her existence until a few weeks ago. BEN HOWARD. Big, big smiles and cheers over here right now. "I'm not very good at dancing"- that's probably a lie.
08:38 Justin Timberlake performs new single "Mirrors". This is kind of embarrassing but I don't really... have an opinion of Justin Timberlake? I wasn't a huge fan of him when he was first around, but the verse of this does sounds really similar to "Cry Me A River".
08:45 Paloma Faith's "Fall From Grace" - What I've heard of this album surprised me with how much I liked it, it's much more mature than the last one and her voice is gorgeous.
08: 46 Best British Male Probably predictably, I'm really hoping for Ben Howard for this. Yaaaaaay. He's just fantastic, I saw him in Manchester last year and he's wonderful. I think he's performing later on.
08:49 - Critic's Choice - Tom O'Dell, who to be honest I know nothing about except his single which I heard on the radio this morning, and sounds great. Slightly irritating how James Cordon is making this about Emili Sande, though, as great as she is.
Sharon Osbourne is incredibly annoying.
08:56 International Female Solo Artist I think Taylor Swift has this in the bag, but really hoping Cat Power will win, her 2012 album "Sun" is really great. Lana Del Rey! I don't really know how to feel about her, I thought "Video Games" was fantastic but the album as a whole kind of disappointing after all of the uproar, although "Born To Die" was another lovely single.
09:00 One Direction cover "One Way or Another". It's for Comic Relief so okay then.
09:05 Best British Live Act I feel like I can't judge this as I haven't seen them all, except if Mumford and Sons only win one award I want it to be this one, playing live is everything they are and that they put care into. Coldplay and the Vaccines are great, as are Muse and of course the Rolling Stones, though. Coldplay! I really like them but this award was a no-brainer for me - Mumford's studio recordings are so close to their live show, this award belongs to them. Carey Mulligan and I just pulled the same face of complete disappointment. But I want to write about Coldplay without thinking who didn't win. Footage I've seen of their "Mylo Xyloto" tour has been brilliant, and "Charlie Brown" in particular a big part of my life.
09:14 Best British Single I'm hoping for "Spectrum" - Florence and the Machine to win this category, I'm thinking maybe "Skyfall" will win but both of the Emili Sande songs nominated are lovely. "Skyfall" wins, I loved this - just a perfect, Bassey-esque Bond theme.
Cordon interrupting Adele jokes count - IIII
09:18 Taylor Swift performs possibly the weirdest song she's ever released, "I Knew You Were Trouble". I feel like Taylor Swift's personal life is in the press so much that the media forgets pay attention to what she's writing instead of what she's writing about. It's hard not to miss a time when she was just a girl with a guitar, though, instead of all this. Also James Cordon will make jokes about Harry Styles in a while, promise.
Un BRITs related - Moving on to drinking Bloody Mary, now. I think it's possible Robbie has been also.
09:24 International Group The Black Keys will probably win this, who are great, but as frowned-upon as it is I really am hoping for The Script to win. They've had a change of direction but remain a great band. I love the Killers too, "Battle Born" is a brilliant album. The Black Keys: I'm glad a band that are not already so successful won the award. They are so deserving
09:30 Ben Howard performing "Only Love", sounding beautiful, as is beautiful harmonies from cellist India Bourne. This is so minimal, considering his stage show at times can be big and loud with a full band and percussion, and it could have been easy to compete but this is perfect, no gimmicks (ignoring the falling sugar stealers). Favourite performance so far, hands down.
09:35 Alt-J are so fantastic, and I still think they're to a point underrated because these are the first band of this undefinable sub-pop genre that have gained so much attention. "An Awesome Wave" is such a unique album.
09:37 Best International Male My heart is split between Gotye and Michael Buble - "Somebody That I Used to Know" was a huge part of last year and well, Buble, but predict Frank Ocean who has been winning everything recently. Ah, Frank Ocean. Confession: I haven't even heard "Channel Orange" in full yet. But he seems impossibly cool.
09:49 Mumford and Sons perform "I Will Wait" - I've rattled on about them all evening but they're just a perfect, perfect band. Their live performance is flawless (although I feel like I can't fangirl too much or it'll just be awkward when Marcus and I are married...) and they are incredible, play with the same passion and energy at an awards' show or arena gig as they would in a bar, their studio, you can just tell they adore what they do. Going to say no more and just listen.
09:55 Best British Album Hoping for "Babel", obviously, though Alt-J and Emili Sande both released great albums and there were some good singles from Paloma Faith's new one. Congratulations to Emili Sande, she's excellent, "Next To Me" is excellent as is "Read All About It", and her beautiful rendition of "Abide With Me" during the Olympics.
09:58 Global Success Award I try to just quietly not have an opinion of One Direction because I don't listen to them, but some people do and they make them happy and that's okay. But beating Adele and Mumford. I may have just loudly cried out "For fuck's sake!" in my parents' living room.
10:09 Emili Sande performs her new single "Clown". After everything said, her voice is just excellent. Oh, it's a medley! "Next To Me" is great too. This lady has so much soul. Don't worry, guys, acoustic "Read All About It" might still be on the cards, we haven't heard it on a TV show in at least a week. Oh ok, no. Beautiful performance, though.
I don't really have anything to say in conclusion but this has been sufficiently exciting and hilarious! Thank you for sticking around and same again next year! Obviously have to rush off to afterparties now, if by afterparties we mean drink wine by myself. hope you're all doing well.
Lizzie xx
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