Thinking about it in the shower just now, one of the things I thought of writing about then dismissed was a thought I had before.
I was watching E4 and an advert came on for the TV show How I Met Your Mother, and I noticed that the funny thing about it is that it seems to me like it was showing all of the men in the show as fun and loose and immature, whilst women sit and tut at them. In the program it isn't like that all, it was just the way the advert portrayed it a little.
And that reminded me of something Dee Plume tweeted a while ago, about a similar thing in a movie poster: men having fun whilst their wives sit and tut at them. And I was thinking about how that was a little annoying and stereotypical but then I thought: they can't really do things the other way round, because that wouldn't be very politically correct either; men tutting and complaining at the stupid and immature things that females do.
So, as usual, that didn't really have a point or conclusion.
The other really, really important thing that made me think today was this, an Amanda Palmer song about a break-up because of her hating "Vegemite", which I'm pretty sure is Australian marmite.
If you aren't familiar with marmite, it's a weird salty brown beer type sandwich spread which tastes delicious.

... and if there's a point to that whole thing, it's that marmite tastes good and Amanda Palmer is wrong but the song is awesome and I lol'd.
I'm listening to perhaps my second maybe equal first favourite ever cover of Radiohead's "Creep", by Scala and Kolachny. I don't know much about them, but this will always be the song that came up on stereomood in my last few minutes of writing for NaNoWriMo last year. I love this song a lot, I hadn't heard it at all until Amanda Palmer performed it at a webcast a while back. And I love them all, the original, Amanda Palmer's cover and that one.
I did tell you I'd write something intellectually stimulating.
- Lizzie
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