And then I posted some Best-Of's to blogger, because of how sadly comitted I am.
1. A letter my mother sent to me when I was at Brownie Camp, aged eight. The writing paper has a picture of a dolphin on it.
"Dear Lizzie,
Hi, I hope you don't mind that I've used your writing paper but I wanted to get a letter in the post and I haven't got any of my own.
I hope you had a good journey and didn't sing about too many camels humps. Poor Alice must have got very tired carrying all those humps about. Imagine you trying to carry 300 rucksacks on your back. Better give her a rest on the way home and sing something else.
I've been talking to Sophie Hudson on MSN! (PTO) Not on purpose. I was on the computer when she popped up trying to talk to you. So I replied saying you were out and she said thanks and bye but didn't give me any emotions like she did when she was trying to talk to you.
Have a fun time and get lots of sleep.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses."
2. A list of bullet points which I don't remember writing at all, judging from my handwriting and the context it's from a year and a bit ago... weird.
"* Last night, shower arguments
* Getting Scared - Imogen Heap -> Why? Going to be what?
* Unhappy day?
* My hair
* Emily-Marie
* Alison
* Robin
* Between Sheets -> happy, calm, peaceful song
* Science, Geography, Maths, Double English
* Knickers
* 1920s German silent movie
* Leoni getting Facebook, seeing her next Tuesday, whether to speak English or German? Wishing we were closer.
* Things to tell friends when get to school.
* V Festival, will it even happen?
* Going to have to take something for breakfast there.
* Walking to school, iPod potentially broken.
* Cameron will read it
* The letter I wrote last night.
* Mr Downing
* writing has slowed down
* My dream, Body Shop themed theme park, there with Dobbin. "There's swimming at 2 o clock". "
3. A Diary Entry by Lizzie, aged 12.
"Saturday November 1st
So bored. The Halloween party was so great though! Afterwards my two best friends, Kathryn and Madison slept over. I've known them the year we've been in high school but they've known each other from primary school. Kathryn's clumsy, accident-prone and loves ducks. Madi's forgetful, American, extremely blonde and is one of the most un-selfish people I know.
Madison left this morning, Kathryn about an hour ago. So yeah. I'm bored.
Still bored. 24 minutes until The X Factor though!!!!"
4. "The Scarlet Diaries" - a slightly stalkerish spy-journal my friend wrote about a teacher we had in Year 7, and kept at my house.
"8.2.08 DAY ONE
8:30 First sighting of Scarlet in the staff room talking to Mr Morris & Shapes with a cup of tea in hand. About 15 minutes later I was stood at the top of the stairs. She comes up the stairs with Ms Iddenden & Ms Malkin wearing a black dress, red cardi, white shirt, tights and a pair of strappy black heels.
After registration" (it ends here)
5. A postcard my friend sent me in the summer of 2008.
6. A list made in 11 year old handwriting of names I'd wanted to name my children, for some reason all of who are female and several must be hippies, or elephants from Sunday night ITV dramas.
7. This picture of my mother, my friend and me, 8 or 9 years old, winning a fig pie rolling race. I was number 42!
8. A pretty self-absorbed letter I wrote one night, for myself to open in the morning. This is probably the most recent of things.
It's a Monday morning and I think you'll need a letter today.
How can I convince you to get out of bed today? WWID? "Be who you are, keep doing what you do..." but it's hard to put into practise.
I've done no homework so check your organiser. Call Merben music, or just go there. It'd be fun, even if Poppy's right and you/I/we only want to go for silly reasons. Also research the protests, change your Facebook display picture from Flounder, maybe do a blog and given the oppurtunity, talk.* You won't regret it! Have a nice day :)
Past Lizzie
*I want you to know that has more meaning - I wasn't just telling myself to talk!
9. A letter my best friend wrote me after my German exchange sister left, full of bad spellings and love.
"Dear Lizzie,
If you are reading this you are probably sad about Leoni. Please relise that she is safe and you will see her soon. If that doesn't work, this of all the good times you had with her. And if that doesn't you can think about Imogen Heap and how happy you were at the concert. Remember this note should bring you joy and happyness. See you tomorrow!
From Poppy
Love you in a non lesbian way!"
10. The first chapter of a book called "The Spook's Apprentice" I never read, which a boy gave me in Year 8.
Just the first chapter :s
Disclaimer:I don't know why I thought this would be interesting to anyone and I'm sorry.
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