I should warn you that this blog has no purpose or point to it. I'm writing here because I have to. Honestly, I want to go to sleep quite a lot and I'm in one of those moods where, walking around the house, I feel like someone's trying to break in and kill me.
So. How are you?
Tomorrow I'm planning on writing something exciting, but I keep saying that and I have a feeling it's growing overrated. Over the last week or so I've lost complete organisation of life in general and so today I tried to sort all of that out a bit, and also do something productive which I sort of did, by doing a lot of novel editing and a little sticking things to my wall.
I also had this really nice moment today.
Whilst my dad will argue or agree or comment on my musical taste, my various obsessions, and most of the time encourage my guitar playing or ask about chords for something and stuff like that, generally my mother ignores it. She's the kind of person who listens to what's fed to her on the radio, occasionally she'll like a song and buy the album, but she has this thing where she won't overplay things. Usually after one of my CDs has played once or twice through in her car (meaning over a few days, not straight) she'll say she's tired of it and switch to something else. She doesn't understand, or just doesn't want that closeness with music.
Today I was reading chords from the internet, whilst playing the ukelele and singing (Israel unrememberable surname's awesome medley of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" and "What A Wonderful World" and I just heard her, from the bathroom, start singing. Then she came into my bedroom, quietly, and I kept on playing and didn't turn around. She was stood right behind me singing along, reading the lyrics and we were laughing and we didn't make eye contact the whole time, we haven't mentioned it since my dad came home with dinner and she stopped, going downstairs to get out some plates.
It reminded me of that story about Christmas in 1914.
That's all, folks. Hope you're having a good weekend.
- lizzie

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