I have abolutely nothing interesting to say today.
... and so I'm going to talk about that.
Quietly, it's something I've been going through a lot lately and it's scaring me. At first, I think I thought I had it in me to write pointless ramblings every day for a month, and I actually have an emergency list for when I run out of ideas, but going through it, there are so many buts. But I don't have the material. But I can't phase it intelligently enough. But I'm not ready to write about that.
I'm pretty sleep deprived and I keep staying up and doing homework and things, not that I'm that overloaded, but I can never force myself to start until the very last minute. This blogging thing is driving me insane, I'm getting sick of my own mental voice and yesterday I actually fell asleep a little in Biology - I know that it doesn't sound possible, and I never believed someone could honestly fall asleep in class, though I've seen it a couple of times. You know when you're completley shattered, and your eyes keep shutting and shutting, until you start to let it, or maybe just close one... because you aren't sleeping of course, just resting it... then it's the other and then you sort of snap up and realise you've spend the last few minutes out of conscieceness. Luckily I was sat near the back of the class, and a curtain of curly dark hair is helpful. The same happened a tiny bit in English today.
I'm excited about the weekend. I had a really nice salad for lunch today. I'm worried about something which is happening on Thursday.
I feel like I've been living life on the edge more recently.
That's all for today. I'll spend time on writing something proper tomorrow, promise.
- Lizzie

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