Valentine's Day hasn't really been a big deal for me yet, though this year I did consider leaving an anonymous giant, fluffy dinosaur toy on someone's doorstep, though weighing out the pros and cons I feel like he'd probably have felt a little creeped out.
I spent tonight being moany with a friend, whilst she text-flirted with a boy named Kingsley, and then bought a large box of strawberry-mango tea from Asda which should make up for whatever I'm feeling. I don't want to moan too much about being single on Valentine's Day - I'm fourteen, not thirty, and it's a long time before I should start feeling hopeless, but I'd be lying if I didn't feel like there's something missing.
But I don't want to blubber on about this today, because I've ranted about my thoughts on love and stuffs enough in the past. Instead, because music is the food of love, I made you a list.
(I know I may be going into a teeny tiny list obsession again...)
When I thought about it, going with "love songs" as a theme I could go one of two different ways - there are some beautiful, amazing songs which are sad and melancholy, of loss and longings then there is the sort which is optimistic and full of hope.
I went for the latter, and I don't know why.
"You and I" - Ingrid Michaelson
I only discovered Ingrid Michaelson about a week ago, and she's amazing. I also found out that she originally wrote a well-known British pop song, but I'll talk about this another time.
"Marry Me" - BackTedNTed
I got Ryan Breen's album a few weeks ago and it's, as one of my friends put it, sonic joy. His music, this song in particular, is more electronic than what I normally listen to but I don't care, it's happy and it's catchy and that night I sat on my bed and danced to this.
"The One You Say Goodnight To" - Kina Grannis
This song hasn't been released yet as far as I know, but it's pretty and catchy and also full of hope. Long after it's over, I'm still clapping along in my head.
"Spit It Out" - IAMX
Sort of an odd one out I know, because it's much less light, but from what I can tell this song is about love and devotion. It's probably one of my favourite songs in the world.
"Five Years Time" - Noah and the Whale
Couldn't help myself. Thoughtful, cheerful, doesn't take itself too seriously, and mainly just plain awesome.
"Valentine" - Kina Grannis
Yes, of course I can have two songs by the same artist, because as far as happy, lighthearted, simple love songs go, Kina is queen. Also this song is always up for free download this time of year, so there's no reason why you shouldn't download it because it's magical.
"Swoon" - Imogen Heap
I saved the best till last :) I am so, so in love with this song. It's catchy and it's full of hope and it makes me want to dance around my bedroom in the darkest times. There have been so many moments over the last year or so, when I've just stood in the shower singing "LET ME BE THE GREAT SCOTT, TIP TOP, PIT STOP IN YOUR OCEAN!" Eeeeeee.
I'll go now. I have homework I've ignored too long and such things, and sleeping to do. I hope you had a happy Valentine's day, wherever you are. And I apologize if this post was slushy at all.
love, Lizzie xx
(sorry about lack of spacing, that happens when I post numerous pictures sometimes. One day, I'll figure it out and we will all be saved.) EDIT: Never mind, sorted it I think
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