See, given the choice I would rather be blind.
Maybe it'd be different if it was from birth, but if I woke up tomorrow deaf, although either would be awful, I wouldn't have a clue what to do. I'd have to learn to communicate all over again, I'd miss the sound of voices talking to me. I couldn't dip into conversations in groups of a lot of people. It'd take me a long time to learn how to lipread, or learn sign language.
But most of all, though it sounds a little stupid and sentimental, I would miss music.
Maybe a year and a half ago I'd have chosen deafness over blindness, but I can't bear the thought of never hearing "Tidal" again, or "Goodnight and Go" or "Bohemian Rhapsody" or "Think of England" or "Spit It Out" or "The Mirror", or anything else that'll be this important to me, someday. I haven't seen a fifth of the people perform who I want to. I can imagine going to a concert live, because although sight there's important I wouldn't care. I'd know the artist or band were there, I could smell the seat cushions or feel the bodies and smell the stickiness of beer.
There'd be bad things along with being blind though - it'd be like learning how to walk again. Katie's argument was that I couldn't ever drive, which would also be terrible. I walk to school every day, and although reading could be substituted with buying audiobooks, how would I write? Use a computer?
I don't know. That's just my priorities. And in conclusion, I think I'm lucky that I haven't been plagued with either.

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