So I saw Black Swan today.
I'd expected it to be a little dark, it was much, much gorrier (sp?) than I thought. I don't know if that was because it was the first real scary movie I've seen in a cinema or not. My friend who I was with kept laughing at me because of how squeamish I get. (we got in, they believed I was 15 this time. Ironic, I must have aged a lot in the last week)
In some ways I think it could have been gorrier than the Saw movies, because it was on a small scale. It was the slow, detailed, stinging process of ripping off of bits of skin from around the nail, not intestines dropping out everywhere. Ballet dancers feet, blisters, twisted muscles and much too easily, the mechanical clicking into place of joints and bones.
You know when you're watching a movie, and you know it's a psychological mindfiretruck movie, you're expecting a big twist. It's like that. I didn't know which characters were "goodies" and "baddies", I didn't know who we trusted and when I felt like it was safe. Natalie Portman was excellent. Like Shutter Island, I didn't even know if I trusted the character whose eyes we were seeing through and the ending had me stunned.
I know I keep trying to get you to do stuff, buy books I like and such, but srsly, go see Black Swan.
Okay, right. On with the thing that's special and thought provoking I promised.
So I'll admit, I couldn't think of anything, or find anything on my emergency blog list I wanted to write today, so I googled "good blog post ideas" and found some. One thing it told me to write about was simply the title "Ten Guilty Pleasures". And I was actually thinking about writing something to do with that anyway, because they mentioned it on the TV show Take Me Out before and I was feeling uninspired.
And I really like lists. That's a secret.
LIZZIE'S EIGHT GUILTY PLEASURES (I could only think of eight. I'm such a failure at blogging.)
Pop music from the nineties - The other day someone was talking about S Club 7, my favourite "band" as a child (closely followed by Steps) and I got reminiscent and nostalgic and watched a whole concert of theirs on Youtube. Twas fun.
Take Me Out - For those unfamiliar, Take Me Out is a dating show presented by a talentless, annoying Yorkshireman named Paddy McGuinness, where thirty single women "turn their lights off" and judge men presented to them who talk about themselves and then sometimes have to dance and things. It's stupid and crap, I love it and watch it most Saturdays.
Reading fanfiction - Ahh. One day soon, I'll write about all the fanfic writing I did a year or two ago. It was what got me into writing, and someone I was talking today told me that they did exactly the same, which made me feel better: I always thought it was sort of stupid. Anyways, I don't write fanfiction so much anymore, but I sometimes like reading others' on the internet.
My hair - I wouldn't say I'm super vain, but sometimes late at night, if I can't get to sleep and I've been staring at a computer screen too long, I turn my swivelly chair around and tuck my knees into my chest and take my hair down and just brush my hair for a really long time, because sometimes it's about as soothing as stroking a cat or picking lazily at guitar strings.
Facebook - I was going to just say "social media" but that's not true, I don't feel at all guilty about how much I love Twitter. One day I'll go into more depth about the Facebook thing, but I use it more than I'd like to - it's also become a responsibility, I have to check on it constantly because admitedly, it's a main thing people use to contact me, and also I get worried about stupid photos ending up on there. And I like it, also.
Computer games - I never talk about this very much, mainly just because it isn't that interesting, but my favourite way ever to kill time is playing The Sims 2. When I was 11/12, I think there were days when I'd spend around 5 hours on my computer. I don't quite do that anymore, but I still play it sometimes. I also love random things on the internet which occupy 5 minutes, like Solitaire or White Dwarf.
Bread - I haven't seen the Scott Pilgrim movie, but I remember in the advert when he says he eats bread all of the time and a girl tells him bread is really fattening and he just sort of slowly spits it out. I had an experience like that recently. I eat bread, all of the time, and I don't think I care how fattening it is. Sometimes, eating bread, I'm not even hungry, it's just for something to do with my mouth when there's nobody to talk to. Bread is good.
Nibbling my hand - ... although after seeing Black Swan, I won't be doing any of the teeniest, lamest kind of self-harm any time soon. This is only something I started about a week ago, but something was happening and I was really, really stressed and sick and happy at the same time and I was on the phone and I just started biting my hand. I sort of lay in bed nibbling my thumb as I was falling asleep, and when I woke up that morning, I got to school and quickly put some gloves on in the cloakroom (yay, well stocked locker) because I realised my hands were covered in weird little canine marks. But honest, I'm not emotionally unstable. It didn't even hurt that much, it's just like biting your nails or your lip.
That's all for today. G'night.
- lizzie

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