Tuesday 11 January 2011

Eleven Eleven

"Rock and roll is fast. If all goes to plan, I could be in rehab by Thursday."

... that made me laugh.

I'm trying to do two things right now - watch an episode of The Mighty Boosh and write a blog, but I'm tired and I'm not doing terrifically in either. Maybe that sounds stupid.
But really, I'm mainly waiting up 'til 11:11 so I can make an 11/1/11 11:11 wish. Yaaaaay.

So I just finished reading "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D Salinger, which was one of the books on my list, and I'm still utterly confused about whether or not I liked it or not. Here's why.
Generally I like literary fiction, but there was something missing from this - I think it's that element in lit-fic that makes up for the fact that there isn't much of a plot, and "The Catcher in the Rye" aren't quite developed enough. They weren't as realistic, or perhaps just as relatable as I needed them to be.

The only thing I did like was something to it which I'd even say was a moral, and it only introduced itself in the last few chapters, and it was the idea that Holden wasn't just trying to get away, but to find something. And something someone said somewhere, about laziness being using the environment you're in as an excuse to lack of suceeding. They worded it much more intelligently than that, but it made me smile in a self-critical sort of way.

I'm pretty busy at the moment. There's a music thing at school which I'm sort-of participating in (accompanying two friends who are auditioning, competing against each other. Awkward.) and also I've actually been excercising quite a lot. When I have some free time, I'll get a move on with thinking about editing my novel.

Which is one of the things I wanted to talk about (when I say "wanted to talk about", I mean I just thought of talking about. Don't believe for a second that I actually sit down to write a blog and have any idea what I'm going to say). I've been thinking about Wall/whatever the hell it's called, and genuinly think I like it too much to go through rough, rushed editing, like I did last year, and self-publish through Amazon and CreateSpace. I want a lot of time to research the things I should've done before, to perfect my characters in that way I'm always picky about and give it a proper ending. I don't want to waste this.

If I do do that it means for you, ("you" being a you who maybe intends on reading my little story thing if you want to?), that realistically it can go to ways once it's edited and perfect and all sorted; either I write 50k of meaningless next November and try to go for the CreateSpace Amazon offer again, or I live life on the edge and write a letter to an actual publisher. I know I'm a little pretentious and young and that it's stupid, but I really want to do something with this. I'm not quite sure I believe my NaNoWriMo novel can come to anything, but this is just something I need to do. Because really, why shouldn't I? Rejection letters are healthy and one day if I get old and super-awesome, I can talk about this in an interview. Past Lizzie will look stupid. We'll all laugh. It'll be great.
I just don't want to rush through editing and miss out things. I don't think I can make this deadline. I owe a good story to my imaginary people.

Finally today, because today's all about the number 11 (though maybe there'll be another of these on the real 11/11/11, and I'll be stuck for something about) it'd be rude not to post a Jason Webley song, I suppose - from what I've heard, Icarus is my favourite.

Have a nice day, now.

- Lizzie xx

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