Friday 7 January 2011

"Hustle", "The Walk" and a Target Audience?

I started to write a blog. Then I realised that I have absolutley nothing to say today - nothing of value, no gossip my friends (who let;s face it, it looks like are my only readers) can laugh at.
This is a good thing. D'you want to know why?
Because I got STANDARDS. :o .
One of my friends at school today said something nice about my blog, and it made me remember she, too, reads it. A few of them do. And that made me feel nice and also pretty strange, because now I almost feel under pressure not to disappoint. But it's also confusing.
I'm aware that most of the people who visit here at Eff-Paf are my friends from school (and there's only about three of them at that) and from what I can tell I think that they mostly like it because in a way, it's gossip and it's a strange sort of "secret diary" blah blah blah. I can tell from conversations like this...
"So I read your blog last night, lol."
"Oh. So did you like the Dresden Dolls?"
But then there's some other people, who Google "Mikael Erika fanfiktion" (yes, I do check my stats occasionally. Yes, I know it's pretty sad) and find me here, and maybe just read one post. And that's why I started this I think, not for people who go to my school but ones that share my interests. And I don't know if I'd prefer people to do that - to just skim by and read something that'll actually mean something to them, because it's a band that they like or their favourite movie or something interessting and discussable or just because they're actually interested in what goes on in my mind. What I'd really like are people who want both, and who'll read this because I wrote it but maybe try and experience whatever I recommend, and maybe they'll love it and take something from it and all three parties will be happy. Does that make sense, a bit?
And if you're one of my friends, that wasn't a jab at you reading my blog. I understand I can't post stuff on the internet under my full name and expect to hide it forever. I just wasn't ready for something like this to happen for a while, and I've only just thought about it.

Because I've wasted some time talking about myself today, here is the magical wonderful Imogen Heap performing a brilliant song, called "The Walk". It also showcases why her live setup is so special and amazing.
"There's no way out!
We are surrounded so give in, give in,
and relish every minute of it!"
and then that note. Aah.
There's a link to another performance, an incredible song called "Goodnight and Go" in the same session afterwards. Maybe you'll listen to it. Trust me, you'll want to. I think.

Also this week, something possibly very, very exciting and amazing happened. Or kind of enlightened that it could happen. But I pinky swore to somebody that I wouldn't talk about it, because I get excitable and this could be a disappointment. Internally I'm quite cynical and I'm fairly sure it will be a disappointment.
But you never know...

Hustle's back on TV again, and if I'd written here a year or two ago I would have talked about it here all the time. This sounds dorky, but I was a lonely thirteen year old, and I felt so connected to this show that it probed me to write fanfiction. The characters were so real to me. In some ways, I think it's the fanfic I wrote when I was younger that made me a better writer. I realised that what I had to write about was the people who acted out their stories in my head when I was lying in bed waiting to go to sleep. I idolised Stacie Monroe for about a year. I loved all of the main 5 characters equally, and I think being unable to have a favourite shows writers have created a brilliant chemistry between a group of friends on television. I feel the same about Friends and How I Met Your Mother (but if you haven't seen Hustle, know that it's completley different to both of those shows. It's actually a crime-drama about con-artists in London and I love it lots).
Then a new series was made and the actors Jaime Murray and Marc Warren were replaced by Matt di Angelo and Kelly Adams, who don't get me wrong are both brilliant, but I hated with a childlike passion for about three months. Once I realised Stacie's absense was not Emma Kennedy's fault, I wrote an unsent apology letter for hating her so much, just because it made me feel better. I was a weird kid.
I still watch Hustle with a love and devotion I don't have with very many other shows but it isn't quite the same without the original five. It'd be like replaying Phoebe and Chandler with.... think of some awesome other actors... I don't know, characters who were witty and adorable and genius, played by Zach Braff and Meryl Streep. Tony Jordan's plots are epic and mind boggling, all of the acting is great. It just isn't quite the same anymore.

I'm blogging a lot recently - I'd gotten into the routine of blog day being Monday, but this week I seem to want to talk about myself a lot.
that's all, folks.

- Lizzie

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