Tuesday 15 January 2013

"I can't see anyone else smiling here"

There’s been a lot of doom and gloom on my blog recently.

Here is "Common People" by Pulp, I'm sure you've heard it before. Sing along. Laugh at the dance moves in the video.

This song was written about a rich, Greek girl that he met at university. She told him she wanted to live like “common people”, to go to supermarkets and not have the money, to be treated like anyone else.

A classic pop/rock song, it has you dancing as much as it has you wanting to cry. It's just beautiful, because amongst all its layers, it's about someone trying to make everyday life an adventure.

I have always loved this song and the story behind it, but hadn't seen the music video until my dad came home and showed me the other day after we'd been talking about that album. It is hilarious.

I hope you’re having a good week, and that January and the post-Christmas-sads aren’t treating you too harshly. 

Lizzie xx

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