Saturday 5 January 2013

"if you need to cry, then cry, cry, cry"

"HANDWRITING" - Emily and the Woods

Emily Wood grew up in London, amongst a family of musicians, and began writing music and learning guitar whilst she was at university in Exeter

The way "Handwriting" opens is fuzzy and blurred, like a crackling voice on the other end of the whole, and fades into your ears. Growing soft guitar chords and horns, she sings  Later, the drums kick in. I love how soft and vast it is at the same time, and the little crackles and tremouring noises that sandwich it either end.

It sounds like long bike rides over the summer. It sounds like brushing your hair and shutting your eyes and trying to concentrate on breathing.

It sounds like running out into the hills, or into the city, or just anywhere where nobody can find you.

This is from her gorgeous EP, "Eye To Eye", which was released in 2011.

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